Building Data Mining Decision Tree Model for Predicting Employee Performance

  • Ira Mellisa Swiss German University


Human resource is one of the functions of a company that is considered as an asset. Therefo re, the theory of performance qualificat ion was adopted by the company in order to get an overview of employee performance. Furthermore, the company needs an effective method to predict the performance not only for the employees but also for the new applic ants. The goals of this research are to get a decision tree model of the employee performance. By learning employee data, the performance of the new applicants could be predicted. The study would provide the characteristic of new applicants who will give better performance than other applicants . The data from a company in Indonesia will have been used for this research. The data mining technique will be applied to the data of operators (such as admins, clerks, cashiers, machine operators, and security offi cers). The data mining technique was use d is decision tree. The decision tree technique was commonly used for a supervised learning data. The decision tree technique also has advantages compared others, because of its ability to produce information that is easy to understand. The result of this research shown the high dependency of employee performance with employment type (work contract). It also means that employees are encouraged to provide good performance to the company if those employees have become p ermanent employees. This research also showed that there is no relationship between employee performances with gender or position grade.
