Accredited as SINTA 4 in Scientific Journal Accreditation Batch III/2020, based on Decree of Ministry of Research & Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency No. 200/M/KPT/2020 dated 23 December 2020.
Emerging Markets : Business and Management Studies Journal was firstly published on June 15th on 2013 Vol.1 No.1, Septemebr 2013 (with ISSN:2338-8854), published by International Business Administration Department., Faculty Business Administration and Humanity. The journal was abbreviated as INSIGHT not just represented of EmergINg Markets : BuSIness and ManaGement sTudies Journal, bust as well representing the great association of vision. The articles are written in English and twice published annually (September and March).
The innitiation of Business Administration department by issuing this journal was to explore and discuss about most recent research issues in global international Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Strategic Mangement, Hospitality and Tourism Management. Its mission is committed to publish scholarly empirical and theoritical research article with high impact contribution to management and business field as a whole peer-reviewed and published bu-annually.
In 2018, Emerging Markets: Business and Management Studies Journal have improved its governence and centralizing to the Academic Research Centre and Community Service (ARCS) of Swiss German University. The ARCS of SGU assigned The Research Centre of Entrepreneurship and Business to manage this journal. The journal name was return to the original name as Emerging Markets: Business and Management Studies Journal without abbreviation of Insight, but it was formed into IJEMBM. However the peer review process adopted two approached conventional and through email and the editorial boards were sometimes in-charged as reviewer that time.
The effort to manage IJEMBM more professional were verified through some evidences such as the implementation of OJS, DOI and also indexed firstly by Google scholar, supervised by RJI. Another achievement shown was that in 2018 officially receive e-ISSN : 2620-9918 (media online) from The Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), though their decree letter no. No. : 0005.26209918/JI.3.1./SK.ISSN/2018.05. This e-issn firstly adopted in IJEMBM for the publishing of Vol. 6, No. 1, September 2018. Since then, the management of IJEMBM is continuing improved by operating a real peer review process and promotes doubleblind review process. The acceptance or rejection of articles will be decided by the editorial boards based on the review results supplied by the reviewers. There is no communication between authors and editors concerning and authors will be informed for rejection occurred in the process of publishing.
Accredited as SINTA 4 in Scientific Journal Accreditation Batch III/2020, based on Decree of Ministry of Research & Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency No. 200/M/KPT/2020 dated 23 December 2020.
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