Journal of Functional Food and Nutraceutical (JFFN) is an official journal of Perhimpunan Penggiat Pangan Fungsional dan Nutrasetikal Indonesia or Indonesian Society for Functional Food and Nutraceutical (P3FNI-ISFFN) that has been established in collaboration with Research Center Food and Health, Directorate of  Academic Research and Community Services, Swiss German University (RC F&H SGU). JFFN publishes review and research result on frontier research, development, and application in the scope of functional food and nutraceuticals. The journal is expected to bring together all stakeholders in relation to the food ingredients and nutraceuticals.

JFFN publishes 2 times in a year, August and February. JFFN adopting Open Journal System for fast manuscript management process. All authors are requested to register in advance and submit the manuscript online to support the fast managing and review process and to be able to track the real-time status of the manuscript. The online PDF version of the journal is open access from the website.

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